** MENU KEYS ** Page 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ KEY FUNCTION COMMENT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ N Next Movie The next movie in the library file alphabetized by title will be displayed. P Prev Movie The previous movie in the library file alpha- betized by title will be displayed. F Find Movie This key allows you to rapidly find any movie in the library file by title, star, co-star, director or tape number. T Top Movie The first movie alphabetized by title in the library file is displayed. L Last Movie The last movie alphabetized by title in the library file is displayed. E Edit Movie Allows you to edit the data fields of the dis- played movie. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ** MENU KEYS cont ** Page 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ KEY FUNCTION COMMENT A Add Movie Allows addition of a new movie to the file. D Delete Movie Deletes the displayed movie from the file. S Search File Allows you to search the library file using up to eight search criteria. R Report Screen Displays SELECT TYPE OF REPORT LISTING screen. Allows you to select the type of report, where you want the report listed, how you want it sorted and whether you want all or some movies listed. See Page 5 for more details. C Change File Allows you to switch to another file created by Video Librarian or to create a new file. U Utility Menu Displays utility menu -- see Page 14. Q Quit to Dos Exit Video Librarian and return to Dos. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ** EDIT MODE KEYS ** Page 3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ F1 Abort This key may be used to Abort the Edit or Add functions from the main screen. The library files are not updated. May be used to abort from other screens or prompts requiring data. F5 Delete Field Deletes the field from the cursor position to the end of the field and the cursor is placed at the left margin of the field. F9 Done This key is used to end editing. If using the Edit function, the movie is written to the li- brary file. Return Key End Field Edit Pressing this key will end editing in the cur- rent field. The cursor is moved to the next field. BS Key Backspace Moves the cursor to the left and erase the character to the left. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ** EDIT MODE KEYS ** cont Page 4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Del Del Char Deletes the character under the cursor. Up Arrow Field Up Moves cursor to previous field. Down Arrow Field Down Moves cursor to the next field. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ** SELECT TYPE OF REPORT LISTING ** Page 5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This screen allows you to (1) select one of four report types, (2) specify one of three output devices for the report, (3) decide whether to list all of the movies or just some of the movies in your file, and (4) decide how you want your report sorted. 1. Report Type: A. Tape labels Prints labels for VCR cassettes. Five choices for type of label. 1. Regular 2. VHS Top 3. VHS Spine 4. BETA Top 5. BETA Spine. See Appendix A. B. Small Report Prints out a formatted report to the screen, printer or a disk text file. The report contains the follow- ing data fields: Title, Star, Category, Year, Rating, Tape#, Starting counter #, and Time. C. Large Report Prints a formatted report to the printer or a disk text file. The report contains the following data fields: Title, Star, Co-star, Cast, Director, Cat- egory, Year, Rating, Tape#, Starting counter #, Time and Recording Speed. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ** SELECT TYPE OF REPORT LISTING ** cont Page 6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ D. Custom Report You design this report. You select the fields and the length of the fields you want included in your report. 2. List To: A. Screen The report will be listed on your monitor screen. The large report and tape labels can not be listed to the screen. B. Printer The report will be listed to your printer. All reports can be listed to your printer. C. Text File If you select this item, you will be prompted for a file name to store the listing on a disk file. All reports except tape labels can be listed to a text file. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ** SELECT TYPE OF REPORT LISTING ** cont Page 7 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3. List: A. All Movies All movies in your library file will be listed to the output device previously selected. B. Some Movies Only those movies that meet the selection criteria you specify later on the MOVIE SELECTOR screen (Page 10) will be listed to the output device selected. 4. Sort By: A. Title Report will be listed sorted alphabetically by title. B. Star Report will be listed sorted alphabetically by the star's last names. C. Co-Star Report will be listed sorted alphabetically by the co-star's last names. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ** SELECT TYPE OF REPORT LISTING ** cont Page 8 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ D. Director Report will be listed sorted alphabetically by the director's last names. E. Tape # Reported will be listed sorted alpha-numerically by tape number. *** Notes *** 1. If you select (A) Tape labels for report type, you can only select (B) Printer for list to and (E) Tape # for sort by. 2. The Large Report cannot be listed to the screen. 3. Your selection for Sort By may be overridden if you have selected (B) List Some Movies. If you selected List Some Movies, you will go to the MOVIE SELECTOR screen after completing the current screen. If one of the fields you list to search on is a key field (ie title, star, co- star, director or tape#), the first key field you list will become the default Sort By selection. By doing this, the search of the library file is rapidly speeded up. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ** SELECT TYPE OF REPORT LISTING ** cont Page 9 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ KEY FUNCTION COMMENT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ E Edit Allows you to edit the selections you previous- ly entered. C Continue After you completed your selections this key allows you to have your report listed or will take you to the next screen if required. Q Quite This key will return you to the main screen. H Help Displays these help screens. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ** MOVIE SELECTOR ** Page 10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The MOVIE SELECTOR screen is displayed if you choose just to display some movies from the SELECT REPORT TYPE LISTING screen or if you choose to create a Sub-File from the UTILITY screen. The purpose of this screen is to allow you to selectively choose the movies you want included in your report or Sub-File. Selections of the movies that you require from the library file are made through entries in four fields. 1. Field Enter the field name on which you wish to restrict output. In addition to the 15 field names displayed on the screen, you may use three additional field names, STARF for the star's first name, COSTARF for the co-stars first name, and DIRECF for the director's first name. Using the field names STAR, COSTAR and DIRECTOR are for their last names. 2. Comparator Requires entry of one of the comparators listed in the screen window. 3. LogOp Requires entry of one of the logical operators (and -- or). The word END is type in this field if the column is not filled, to end data entry on the screen. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ** MOVIE SELECTOR ** cont Page 11 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. Value Enter a constant against which you want the comparison made. ** Examples ** LogOp Field Comparator Value ___________________________________________________________________________ YEAR GE 1985 AND RATING EQ PG AND TIME LE 100 END This example would select those movies in your library file that were made on or after 1985, that were rated PG and had a running time of 100 min or less. STAR EQ EASTWOOD OR STAR EQ REYNOLDS AND CATEGORY EQ A This example would select those movies in your library file that starred either Eastwood, or Reynolds that were in the Action category. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ** REPORT FORMATTER ** Page 12 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This screen allows you to select the fields you want included in your report. You select the fields to include, the width you want the field to occupy and select whether to truncate or wrap a field if the actual field width exceeds the width you selected. The screen displays five fields, three of which re- quire you to make entries. Two of the fields display information only and cannot be edited. Print Field Enter the field you want printed in this field. Field Width Display only field, shows the width the field occupies in the library file. Print Width Enter the width in characters, you want the field to occupy. The minimum is six. Wrap (Y/N) Yes - if the field width of the field to be printed is greater than the print width you selected, then the remain- ing characters will be printed on the next line -- if No the remaining characters will be truncated. See Example on the next page. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ** REPORT FORMATTER ** cont Page 13 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ** Wrap Example ** 1. You enter TITLE for Print Field. 2. The screen would display 40 for Field Width. 3. You enter 20 for Print Width. 4. You enter Y for Wrap. The movie title ' Star Trek III: The Search For Spock ' would print out as follows with 'Y 'for Wrap: Star Trek III: The Search For Spock If 'N' was entered for WRAP the title would be truncated as follows: Star Trek III: The ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ** UTILITY MENU ** Page 14 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Key Function Comment D Set Date Sets the system date. The date you enter will be displayed on the main screen. T Set Time Sets the system time. The time you enter will be displayed on the main screen. M Merge Files This function will enter the movies from a file previously created by Video Librarian into the current movie library file. C Create Sub-File This function will create a fully functional sub- file of the currently selected file. After this function is selected you will be sent to the MOVIE SELECTOR screen where you will set up the selection criteria for the movies to be included in the new file. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------